At Our Lady of Sion School, our mission is to maintain a culture which recognises, embraces, and welcomes the qualities of every individual – both adult and child. Within our nurturing ethos, our young people will excel academically, display kindness in all that they do, and develop skills and wisdom which will enable them to navigate through life with confidence and assurance, both as young people now and as adults in the future.
Forever mindful of our Catholic foundation and of the Charism of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, we encourage every member of our community to respect our motto, “Consideration Always” and live this out through an obvious appreciation of diversity and a commitment to equality and justice.
A Sion student will always be encouraged to develop a life-long passion for learning, responding compassionately to the needs of others and to those of our planet.
A co-educational, independent school with a strong ethos, successfully providing education to children and young people from ages 3 – 18