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In a couple of weeks, Headteacher, Mr Jeffery will be writing to all of the new Sion students starting with us in September.

He believes that a hand-written note is an important part of connecting with each child. In his personalised letter, he encourages each child to enjoy the summer and... to be assured that there will be lots of people looking after them when they start school in September. If they have any questions or concerns, Mr Jeffery encourages everyone to ask their parents to message him during the holiday. There is no need for anxiety to be long-lasting. Sharing is vital and talking together always makes us feel better. You can meet with him too if you would like to ask him those questions in person.

Transition into a new school is a huge step. Most children naturally feel nervous. We want to make that transition as seamless and peaceful as possible. Knowing how each child is feeling is the perfect way to manage each individual transition successfully. Return visits to the school can be arranged during the holiday too. Sometimes, the child just needs to take another look…get their bearings.

Don’t worry about a thing…
Every little thing is going to be alright.


We had to share this lovely photo from the Tanzania Camps International experience. Further updates to come in due course.

Sion teacher and expedition leader has just messaged,

“I Just wanted to say before we leave for the next adventure, how proud I am of all of our young people on the mountain trek. They have shown so much strength of character and leadership. 3794m (Little Meru) was reached by all and ...some went even further to the summit which is 4000 plus. It was truly awe-inspiring. I met many adults who have climbed mountains all over the world including Kilimanjaro, and they said Meru is one of the toughest!

Our Sion young people have blown me away with the way they support each other, and lead others.
Off we go again �”

Jules Freeman


Our Tanzania team have been trekking to the summit of Mount Meru. They made it in good time.
An elephant popped out to encourage them!

They will all be up up at 7am tomorrow morning, as they are heading to their next camp to do conservation work for a few days. Staying in tents and ...“off-grid”, so not sure when we will receive our next update.

They are all having an amazing time.
We are so proud of them all.


We have just dropped off a very full hamper of donated items to Community House. Need is high at the moment, so the generosity of our students, staff and families is greatly appreciated. The volunteers wanted to pass on their thanks to you all. Hamper now empty ready for its next refill. Food bank ...stations are positioned in the foyers of both the Junior and Senior school buildings.


A massive congratulations to Amy Wilson Hardy who has been selected to represent Team GB in the women’s rugby sevens squad in the Paris Olympics 2024. We would like to wish Amy the very best of luck in the Tournament. The Rugby 7’s is one of the earlier events in Paris with Amy’s first match ...being played on 28th July. Good luck Team GB, good luck Amy! Bring home a medal!

Amy left Our Lady of Sion in 2008 at the end of year 11 having achieved an amazing set of GCSE results including 5 A*’s , 5 A’s and a B . Amy had an incredible talent in every subject and especially thrived in sport, music and art. Amy holds a special place in our Sion ‘Wall of Fame’.
We wish her the very best of luck in Paris.


We received some fabulous updates today from our young people and Mrs Freeman who are currently working hard in Tanzania as part of their Camps International experience. It was so good to hear about their exciting programme and how they are enjoying every moment getting to know other students, ...whilst also meeting families from local villages.
Our lovely young people have been visiting a traditional village, planting banana trees, cooking, dancing, then playing football and games with local children…and they are still not tired!


Our trip to Tanzania is happening right now. Parents of those young people on the expedition are being updated daily via our secure WhatsApp link, however, we shall certainly post some highlights on here as they unfold. Exciting times!

Big shout out to our newest top fans! 💎

Trish McGregor, Rosie Dominique Ratcliffe, Ant Deane, Jessica Morrod, Jenny Lampshire, Julie Deane, Patel Bennett, Vera Tembekijian Gulvanessian