Sion Around the World

Our Lady of Sion School, Worthing is one of a number of schools worldwide, founded by the Sisters of Sion whose aims were simple: to foster bridge-building, tolerance and understanding.

Sion international schools range from Box Hill in Australia to Quebec, Canada with Istanbul, Turkey and Kansas City, USA in between. There are also six Sion schools in France, two schools in Costa Rica and four schools in Brazil.

They were inspired by the ideals of reconciliation between Christian and Jewish faiths, promoted by their founders Theodore and Alphonse Ratisbonne. All members of our school community are encouraged to embrace the school motto ‘Consideration Always’.

Sion Schools are independent of each other yet share a common ethos. We have various links with the schools around the world, enhancing the education that we can provide to our students.

Faithful to the values supported by the Ratisbonne brothers, Sion schools regard themselves as “spaces of dialogue”. We encourage openness to learning, not only to ensure success in exams, but above all to situate oneself in the World and in history; to be open to others, overcoming the fear that can come from encountering differences, to understand them, to work against all forms of injustice, discrimination, racism and in particular anti-Semitism. We strive to affirm the richness of a multicultural world and recognise, through education, the universality of humankind. The community of Sion regards each young person as being part of a history that neither begins nor finishes with his/her time at Our Lady of Sion and that will equip them for the modern world.