Easter Activities – SEED Event and OMC (Original Minds’ Circle)

Posted: 3rd April 2024


We have enjoyed a very special SEED event today.


We continue to offer our prospective families the opportunity for their children to experience Sion Education at our SEED days (Sion Education Experience Day) during school holidays. This morning, we welcomed a lovely group of upper Key Stage two children from local schools.  We always have new children joining the school because of their experience at SEED.

I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know these young people.

They have shown impeccable manners.

They have been fully engaged in the various activities.

They have asked questions and explored deeply.

They have taken on challenges and found solutions.

They have worked independently and collaboratively.

They have grown in confidence before our eyes.

My colleagues have spoken very highly of each one of these young people.

I have also enjoyed observing them across the various activities.

In History, they worked together to solve a murder mystery.

In Design, they explored the world of robotics.

In art, they created portraits.

In science, they created toothpaste for Sion’s legendary dragon!

Sion education focuses on authentic connection with each individual child.

Unlocking potential will only ever happen when a child is known, and talents are nurtured.

You and I know that when we feel loved, cared for, known, and nurtured, our energy spins. We feel encouraged and inspired. We feel better about ourselves, we feel more awake and alive.

It is all about getting to know the child – sitting in conversation together – enjoying quality time to find out more about these children. In a small community such as this one, authentic connection is possible.

We have really enjoyed getting to know these children today.

In celebration of their attitude, engagement, impeccable manners, and academic adventure, I awarded a Headteacher’s Certificate and one of our Breakthrough Mindset badges which are sought after by our students here at Sion School.

The badge shows a padlock which symbolises academic challenge.  It also shows a hand holding the key – this symbolises how with the right attitude, tenacity, and positive mindset, we really can breakthrough big challenges, find solutions and enjoy success.

Today, these brilliant children displayed that breakthrough mindset – and therefore it was with the greatest pleasure that I made these awards this afternoon.

If any of you would like to know more about Sion school, do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Officer, Victoria Greco – or if any of you would like to have a one-to-one meeting with me, you are always very welcome.  I am always very happy to tell people more about this wonderful school – a school of which I am immensely proud.



On the 10th of April, we continue with our OMC (Original Minds’ Circle) events.

I am delighted that Professor Cundy is joining us to lead this high-level thinking workshop.

Andrew Cundy is Professor of Environmental Radiochemistry in the School of Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton and has spent most of his career looking at the impacts of humans on the environment, including the chemical and biological impacts of our industrial and other activities, and ways in which we can better manage these impacts. He is also a member of the Anthropocene Working Group, an international group of researchers examining whether the Earth has entered a new state in which humans have become the dominant planetary force – the “Anthropocene”.

This latest OMC focus will be:

Have Humans changed the planet?

What is the current impact of humanity on our planet, and has this shifted the Earth to a new planetary state (the “Anthropocene”)?

If you would like your child to join the Original Minds’ Circle, please explore our website for information about signing-up:


Teaching children to think independently, with energetic encouragement from all of us to question assumptions and interrogate information has never been more important.

We must prepare this generation to analytically navigate through the ever-changing sea of material, which is being downloaded onto phones, laptops and into brains.

Critical thinking helps us carefully identify, analyse, and judge claims made in arguments.

It gives us the skills to think for ourselves and present our thoughts clearly to others.

Learning how to really think should be woven into the educational experience of every child, from Early Years through to A Level.

We unreservedly believe that the Human mind will forever remain essential to the ongoing development of human and global advance.

SEED events and OMC events provide opportunities to truly engage in original thinking and questioning.

This is certainly a vital aspect of Sion Education

Categories: Headmaster's Blog